Searching for knowledge & know-how in …

  • Banking Corporate Governance
  • Non-Executive Directorships
  • Modern banking management
  • Banking business models in relation to clients, markets and product space
  • Related process & structural organization to optimize departments in Origination, Structuring & Syndication
    • Departments – play between Front, Middle, and Back-Offices
    • Workflows, i.e. optimal internal processes (i.e. credit approval) without losing focus of the clients
    • Policy & Procedure
    • IT Systems

Searching for knowledge & know-how in ….

  • Modern Risk Management – theory & tools
  • Regulation & Compliance – beyond KYC, AML, and Due Diligence
    • Basel II, III and IV
    • FATCA
    • MiFID, etc
  • Change Management

… has been more important for all international and national financial institutions/banks in recent years. If you need insights on how to structure a complex change management situation in your bank, please contact us.