“Crypto- vs. FIAT Money” Seminar held at SmartCity, Malta, July 5th, 2018

Global College Malta invited Dr Armin Eckermann to hold a seminar on “Crypto- vs. FIAT Money”. The seminar was given on Thursday 5th July 2018 at SmartCity in Malta.

The topic was addressed to the general audience and captured the basic differences between money as we know it and crypto-currencies. As a starting ground, fundamental economics was used to dwell into the world of a ‘bitcoin’ – the best known crypto currency at the times. Once the groundwork of differences had been laid down, a discussion took place to explore the ‘pro & cons’ of crypto currencies in today’s society. The table of context was as follows:

A brief history of money
Monetary function of the Financial System
Conceptual definition of money
What serves as money?
FIAT Money vs. Commodity Money
Bitcoin! Is it money?
What gives value to FIAT money and Crypto Currency?
Crypto currencies – an alternative to existing currencies?
Seminar “take away” & closing remarks

If you are interested into the presentation, please contact us.
Thanks and kind regards,

Armin Eckermann