Trade Finance & Services and Commodity Trade Finance are products usually offered by banks. If you are interested to get into this area of banking or want to have a review of existing, established Trade Finance Departments in your financial institution, we can explain and advice on the secular driver of the trade and commodity business, typical customer base, competition landscape, compliance and regulation issues, minimum requirements in terms of capital and funds injection, etc. …Please, look no further, we can discuss whatever is needed for your institution.

  • Banking and Trade Finance – what does Management need to consider?
  • Trade Finance & Services – plain vanilla or structured business?
  • Receivables Financing, Factoring and Supply Change Finance
  • Commodity Finance Expertise – fit for purpose

With the same mindset, if you are a Trade & Commodity Finance User – established or a newcomer – our services can give you valuable insights into the mechanism of most trade finance and commodity finance banks.

This can be used for your advantage by analyzing certain bank offers or by guiding you to other maybe more competitive banking offers in the field of trade finance.