Consultancy | Training | Advisory

Eckermann & Partners was established in 2015 in Malta with the sole intention to put over 25 years of experience in Corporate & Investment Banking, Commodity and Trade Finance & Services – in Emerging and Developed Market – gathered by the owner to a new use.

During those years, the founder had been introduced to international clients, interviewed lots of people, and had led led globally acting teams out of Düsseldorf, London, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, and Malta.
The advisory & consultancy services offered are backed by sound professional work experience, applied and tested in the different internationally operating banking organizations. The offer is a practitioner’s view, ideally combined with numerical tools whenever needed and required to gain insights into the subject matter.

Please note, Eckermann & Partners Ltd is not licensed or regulated by the MFSA and any corporate or financial services that requires licensed services will be outsourced to a firm licensed and regulated by the MFSA. 

Our Mission.

The Financial Management Consulting service is addressed to

  • Financial Institutions,
  • Funds,
  • Alternative Funds investing in Commodity & Trade Finance and
  • International Trading Companies of all kinds as well as
  • Private and Corporate Companies of all sizes
  • I-Gaming Companies

interested in Banking, Payment Services, and Finance Products needed to raise Working Capital and/or Funds for Capital Investment.


Companies as well as banks go through stages of development or different level of maturity. During the different stages of development different processes and structures apply, mandates for senior management and whole organizations are adjusted and change, IT-System lead the way or follow the directives.

Only with modern knowledge and experience, management and shareholder will grow the business to the ‘next level’ and remain in the ‘driving seat’.

To learn more about our Financial Management Expertise, please continue reading the website or please contact us.


Advice, Training, and Consultancy are close sisters. Drawing heavily on our past involvement and experience in Senior Management Positions, we have developed an expertise in

  • Banking Management Issue – Business Strategy & Implementation
  • Client Coverage Model – who is your target customer?
  • Banking Product Know-How & Expertise in particular in
    • Trade Finance,
    • Commodity Finance – classical and structured,
    • Receivables Finance,
    • Forfaiting and
    • Supply Chain Finance.

Banking, like any other business, is about earning money for the shareholder. Money or profit which reflects a return worthwhile to engage in the business risk.

Profitability is most important (or the lack thereof). The underlying reasons are often found in organizational set-ups, workflows, risk appetite, human interaction and more and more in the underlying IT system which determine your ‘time-to-market’ delivery.

In banking, the issue today is not just profit but sustainable profit in an ever-changing banking and finance industry.

In other words, a holistic approach must be taken to find out your core competencies and to secure those for your company. Here we can help with a particular assessment or overall SWOT analysis.

To learn more about our Advisory functions, please contact us.. 

Management Expertise

Experience gathered and tested in senior management position and functions, in Corporate and Investment Banking, for 25 years in international markets, working for larger and smaller internationally operating banks, define the background of Eckermann & Partners.

Training & Teaching Expertise

You want to talk about finance and related financial products?Or you require training and insights on how they work and when you need them in your company? Why not getting insights from an insider?

If personal training is not what you are seeking, maybe you will like to consider classroom settings? Maybe you will get enrolled in courses at St. Martin’s Institute of Higher Education in Malta? SMI is recognized by the University of London and offers UoL qualifications. St. Martins Institute you will find at:

I had started to lecture UoL courses in “Financial Intermediation” and “Macroeconomics” in Fall 2016 at the St. Martin’s Institute.


Do you search for know-how and knowledge in the banking industry or the wider field of finance? 

Look no further.

Banking & Financial Products

Like before, do you need basics or advanced professional input?

Look no further. 

Trade & Commodity Finance

Trade Finance & Services and Commodity Trade Finance are products usually offered by banks. If you are interested to get into this area of banking or want to have a review of existing, established Trade Finance Departments in your financial institution, we can explain and advice on the secular driver of the trade and commodity business, typical customer base, competition landscape, compliance and regulation issues, minimum requirements in terms of capital and funds injection, etc. …

Please, look no further, we can discuss whatever is needed for your institution.

Finance for SME's

Small, mid-sized enterprises (‘SME’) financial interest are often ‘misunderstood’ by banks and other financial service providers; Eckermann & Partners will match the differences between your company and your financial partner bank/s.

We know about the differences in large, mid-sized, and small banks. Size matters in banking because it will determine the bank’s approach towards your own business and company. It will shape the banking offerings, the kind of financial instruments introduced to your company.

We can help to look through the process and the financial offering of your banks and might be able to introduce you to alternative financiers.


Armin Eckermann

Owner & Managing Director is Dr. Armin Eckermann.

More data on Armin can be found after the click. 


Drawing on existing long-term international business relationships, Eckermann & Partners can tap into network of people, organization and institutions to support your next steps.

Market know-how and regional expertise will surely be shared as well.

Markets & Industries


Malta/Germany/ Middle East & North Africa / United Arabic Emirates / Russia / Central & Eastern Europe / South America


Oil & Gas / Softs & Agricultural / Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals / Precious Metals

To learn more about Markets and Industries, click the button!

Learn from the very best

The quickest way to find out more about the offerings, please contact Eckermann & Partners via Email Contact below or use our skype address:  eckermannpartners

We appreciate your contact and business!


We are here

Adriatic Street, St.Julian's, Malta
Phone: +356 7929 0101
